perjantai 26. marraskuuta 2010
Something new, part 2
...We got our own thermometer from Vaasan sahko, that shows the temperature inside and outside. You can note, that we´ve been saving, because it´s much cooler in every classroom, but not so cold, that we would freeze :) . On the moment, our classrooms average heat is around 21*c. Our plans are to go on the 20th of December to Stormossens waste management department in hope, that we can learn something new, fun and useful.
torstai 25. marraskuuta 2010
Something new
October 19th;
We were interviewed by the journalist Hanna Kleemola from the Kyronmaa/Pohjankyro newspaper. We told her about our measuring-gadgets that we measure the heat, light and electricity. And we also told about naming the light swiches and about getting the towelracks in to the classrooms. And now we have them!
November 9th;
We were interviewed once again but this time by the Nette-magazine. We told them about the same things... And some of us were interviewed personally!... To be continued... Tomorrow... =)
We were interviewed by the journalist Hanna Kleemola from the Kyronmaa/Pohjankyro newspaper. We told her about our measuring-gadgets that we measure the heat, light and electricity. And we also told about naming the light swiches and about getting the towelracks in to the classrooms. And now we have them!
November 9th;
We were interviewed once again but this time by the Nette-magazine. We told them about the same things... And some of us were interviewed personally!... To be continued... Tomorrow... =)
tiistai 2. marraskuuta 2010
Energysaving week week number 41
On the energysavingweek we investigated the electric devices at home
The water kettles were used 68 times. We were using the saunas 45 hours altogether. We used the computers 170 hours on the weekend, and 340 hours on the weekdays. There are 30 computers in the 5-6 class homes. We used TV 170 hours on the weekend and 390 hours on the weekdays. There are 39 TV:s in the 5-6 class homes. We used the electric stove and the oven 55 hours on the weekend and 46 hours on the weekdays.
Useless things in our homes are for example:
The radio, the breadgrill, the sewing machine, the blender and the electric knife. =)
The water kettles were used 68 times. We were using the saunas 45 hours altogether. We used the computers 170 hours on the weekend, and 340 hours on the weekdays. There are 30 computers in the 5-6 class homes. We used TV 170 hours on the weekend and 390 hours on the weekdays. There are 39 TV:s in the 5-6 class homes. We used the electric stove and the oven 55 hours on the weekend and 46 hours on the weekdays.
Useless things in our homes are for example:
The radio, the breadgrill, the sewing machine, the blender and the electric knife. =)
torstai 14. lokakuuta 2010
We have taken the temperature a week before and this week so that we could compare the results. Some people have been complaining, that it´s cold, even it is +21 degrees in each classroom. We´ve been taking care about the classrooms ventilation. We´ve also been freshening the classrooms with fastventilation for 5 min. And keep those windows open! We don´t have unnecessary lights on, thanks to naming the lightswiches. And we made memorising notes in the sportshall for the evening users, so the lights wouldent be on the whole night. The collectingpaper points have been doing well and there is less energywaste. To be continued... ;)
perjantai 1. lokakuuta 2010
Etelä-Pohjanmaa's energyoffice has made us an energyreport, witch shows us the waste of the electricity, oil, water and trash compared to the other schools. We have tried to use less lights in our school. We have made paper collection points in every classroom. We also made info signs above the trashbins, so that everyone knows what to put in every bin. We have measured nearly every electric devices waste of electrissaty. We have been able to lower the temperature in every room in our school by 2 to degrees or even more.
keskiviikko 15. syyskuuta 2010
Things that we have done so far: We have been measuring the light and heat. We have turned the radiators to lower heat. We have been reducing the use of lights and use of water. We are trying not to use elecricity so much, and we have gone to see and learned about the schools heating and elecricity systems. We also went to see the boiler-room. We have been keeping the blinds open, so we wouldent need to keep the lights on all the time. We don´t use our school computers very much that we would save energy. We have been naming the lightswitches, so that we don´t need to blink the lights to find the right one. We have kept the doors closed, so that the heat wouldent escape. Also every time we wash our hands, we do it fast enough, that we wouldent use so much water. So that´s most of the things we have done so far for saving energy, water and electricity.
torstai 6. toukokuuta 2010
We started the energy saving project 8.4.2010 so far we have done measurements of the light and tempreture and also we have counted the radiators windows and doors the temprature was a bit high so we turned it a bit lower and also everything else and we noticed that we are saving alot of energy. we took a tour to the heating system, the fusebox and air vontalation.
We have planned that every class starts recycling things like paper
We have had a bit of problems when some of our class boys have just been listening to music instead of doing work, An other problem is to write in English when we didnt know some words like fusebox.
This project has been cuite intresting and a nice expenience.Thanks to this project we have saved alot of energy at school and at home also many people in our class has been stopped playing on the computer and went outside instead.
We have planned that every class starts recycling things like paper
We have had a bit of problems when some of our class boys have just been listening to music instead of doing work, An other problem is to write in English when we didnt know some words like fusebox.
This project has been cuite intresting and a nice expenience.Thanks to this project we have saved alot of energy at school and at home also many people in our class has been stopped playing on the computer and went outside instead.
1. Energiahanke käynnistettiin 8.4.-10. Tähän mennessä on tehty valon ja lämmön mittauksia, ja on laskettu koulun ovet, ikkunat ja patterit. Lämpöä on mitattu koulun eri paikoista. Kun lämpö oli liian korkea sitä laskettiin ja energiaa on kulunut vähemmän. Lämmön laskeminen on auttanut oppilaiden työskentelyä ja on muutenkin helpompi olla. Tutustuimme huoltoyhtiön isännöitsijän kanssa koulun eri energia pisteisiin esim.Lämmitys-ja sähkö järjestelmiin, raittiinilman ja sähkön siirto menetelmiin.
2. Keväälle on suunitelmissa että laitamme jokaiseen luokkaan sellaset roskikset johon laitetaan VAIN KERÄYSPAPERIT ei muita roskia...
3. Mellä on ollut pientä ongelmaa kun luokkamme "nimeltämainitsemattomat" pojat kuunteli vain musiikkia puhelimesta, kun olisi pitäny mitata lämpötiloja ja valonkirkkautta...
4. Tämä hanke on ollut jo alusta asti hyvin mielenkiintoinen ja mukava kokemus, ja tämän hankkeen avulla olemme käyttäneet jo nyt paljon vähemmän vettä ja sähköä. Monet ovat kotonakin muistaneet olla säästeliäämpiä kuin ennen. Olemme myös vähentäneet esimerkiksi pelikoneilla palaamista kotona.
1. Energiahanke käynnistettiin 8.4.-10. Tähän mennessä on tehty valon ja lämmön mittauksia, ja on laskettu koulun ovet, ikkunat ja patterit. Lämpöä on mitattu koulun eri paikoista. Kun lämpö oli liian korkea sitä laskettiin ja energiaa on kulunut vähemmän. Lämmön laskeminen on auttanut oppilaiden työskentelyä ja on muutenkin helpompi olla. Tutustuimme huoltoyhtiön isännöitsijän kanssa koulun eri energia pisteisiin esim.Lämmitys-ja sähkö järjestelmiin, raittiinilman ja sähkön siirto menetelmiin.
2. Keväälle on suunitelmissa että laitamme jokaiseen luokkaan sellaset roskikset johon laitetaan VAIN KERÄYSPAPERIT ei muita roskia...
3. Mellä on ollut pientä ongelmaa kun luokkamme "nimeltämainitsemattomat" pojat kuunteli vain musiikkia puhelimesta, kun olisi pitäny mitata lämpötiloja ja valonkirkkautta...
4. Tämä hanke on ollut jo alusta asti hyvin mielenkiintoinen ja mukava kokemus, ja tämän hankkeen avulla olemme käyttäneet jo nyt paljon vähemmän vettä ja sähköä. Monet ovat kotonakin muistaneet olla säästeliäämpiä kuin ennen. Olemme myös vähentäneet esimerkiksi pelikoneilla palaamista kotona.
torstai 29. huhtikuuta 2010
We started the energy saving project by studying our schools elecric and heating where we ware told about the school boiler there is a water pump and loads of pipes the pipes get the water all over the school to heat the radiators and water to the taps. Next we got to the electric cabinet there was lots of fuses after that we went upstairs to the air conditioner then we went back to the classroom. after that we discussed about what we saw.
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